Thursday, January 6, 2011

The H Word

I'll admit it. Something peculiar has happened. It all started the last day of my visit with my lovely family in the oh-so-sunny-and-cheerful south Florida. I squeezed and kissed my dear family and the cutest nephew in the whole world good bye and as I waved good bye to them (and to a decent-sized chunk of my heart), a mysterious feeling came over me. With the hustle and bustle of the airport (I shudder here because the thought of the December airport situation still gives me hives) that unfavorably strange feeling got pushed down, down and lingered quietly only until the time came to say goodbye to our friends and family in Michigan. Then quiet no more--that darned feeling was irrefutably ready to make a statement. And now that statement has turned into a scream. A loud one. You guessed it and I suppose I'm ready to say it (while swallowing my silly pride):
I'm homesick.


I know, I know--it's normal/a common reaction/a sign that I have a soul and that the opportunity to live abroad is priceless and the unwanted homesickness is well worth the experiences I'm having. I know. But it still stinks. I had been so wrapped up in the festivities of learning to live in Deutschland prior to our Christmas trip home that I hadn't allotted time in my day to dwell on how much I missed my people. But this feeling pushed itself to the front and center upon our return to German soil. It was really becoming a drag until I realized that the homesickness wouldn't even be if I didn't have such a great home to miss. Home includes all those totally fab folks in The Mitten and soFLo that make me wish I was with them all the time because they are about as dear to my heart as dear to my heart gets. While my unforgettable experiences in big ole Europe are totally awesome, my current residence prevents me from spending as much QT with them as I would like. Skype, FB, Magic Jack,email, and the bajillion other techy techniques Reg has found for us to stay connected are an incredible help and made my choice for a 2011 resolution an obvious one: this year I plan to be even more connected with all of the lovely folks that fill my heart. With the promise of no trips to the US until next Christmas lingering in the air, there's a winning chance that I will give all these techy tools a big workout in '11. Hope they're ready!

Yeah. It really doesn't get any cuter than James.


  1. the feelings are mutual! Miss you terribly! Spontaneity will have to be the techie way VS. eating an appetizer at one restaurant, antipasto at another and sushi at our final destination all in 3 hours! xoxoxoxo MOM

  2. I miss you just as much and seeing you was like not a day had passed. I cried when I saw you and cried when you left. I should however mention that my stomach was even more sad after you left since I ate like a king when we were together. It was like the 'taste of Michigan's best' all in the matter of a few days. I hope going back to Germany hasn't been too painful and I'll talk to you as much as you want on Skype. Big hugs to you and Reg.

  3. It was wonderful to see you and your gift of time was the best present of the season. I'm not one much for talking on the phone but I'll give Skype a go...We love you lots and treasure every minute we are lucky to spend with you. Love you so much sis. Take care of you...mawahhh!
